Apply this question to a debate over any iconic motor vehicle manufacturer and you’ll likely hear common arguments on either side.
You’ll have the die-hard purists arguing the case for classics-only with zero compromise; they’ll talk of the unique experience of driving manual; the connection with the vehicle and its history; riding/driving it as was originally intended; an altogether more visceral automotive experience before stricter safety and environmental regulations came into play. Not to mention the uncompromising quality of style & design.
Those in favour of a more modern version maybe a little more forgiving. They’re likely every bit as vocal about the benefits of their preferred model; cleaner, more efficient engine, modern comforts, greater speed and safety. Some may even prefer the style and look over a vintage (can you imagine? 🤯). But odds are they’ll still have a soft spot for the original, classic model; even if its not their first choice drive/ride.
Of course, there are plenty that sit somewhere in between, like us. Yeh I know, what a cop out, sat firmly on the fence! In our defence, our dual-passions of riding and running mean we look for a broad range of credentials in our scooters. And when you tie all the arguments together, we find there’s room in our lives for both!
If we had to choose one – with our heart – its going to be the classic all day long (in fact, our hearts have led us to start a business in Hong Kong importing and customising classic Vespa! Website details at the bottom of this post if you’re interested in taking a look). If voting with our mind, maybe the modern gets more of a look in. Here’s why…
The Good
The Bad
The Ugly
SPEED: Sometimes you just want to get to the trails, fast. Especially if you’re covering a longer distance and by motorway. The modern engine is quick, at least by Vespa standards!
SAFETY: Modern Vespas are solid, stable, with a larger wheel base, ABS brakes and auto transmission making them easy to ride. Just twist & go!
STORAGE: Spacious underseat storage is useful for the running kit bag which may stretch to towel, change of clothes, hydrapak, provisions etc!
RIDE: In our view, there’s no such thing as a ‘bad’ ride and the modern is nippy and a lot of fun. But its here that our “flying carpet” can’t begin to compare with a classic.
COST: More complex engine & electrics means higher maintenance costs. And unlike a classic, its a depreciating asset!
STYLE: I don’t think we need elaborate on this point!
The Good
The Bad
The Ugly
RIDE: A repeat from above but then it is half of what we’re all about! And the classic, manual riding experience is a joy; a dying art. A popular mantra of classics riders is “Ridden not hidden!” Too right.
VALUE: Prices of classics are rising rapidly but still offer value vs moderns with new parts and upgrades readily available, lengthening their riding shelf life.
LIFESTYLE: Riding a classic is a conscious choice, impractical maybe, but a devotion to the craft and passion for the originality and authentic lifestyle of a bygone era.
RELIABILITY: These scooters can be 60 yrs old or more! And still drive beautifully. But they do require more care and attention to keep them that way.
PERFORMANCE: See above for longevity! But modern upgrades are readily available, so its possible to bring the performance of a 60 year old Vespa into the 21st century!
EMMISIONS: The 2stroke engines are a blessing and a curse; synonymous with classic Vespa due to their distinctive sound and smell but sadly less planet-friendly than modern engines. We’re still talking about a relatively small, efficient form of transport here but times are changing and electric conversions are now available.
So there you have it. As far as R+R goes there’s a lot going for both modern and classic Vespas. Not suprising given how Vespas generally are perfectly suited to the roads of Hong Kong.
In terms of pure ride, we’ll always favour the classic. Just like we’ll always favour trails over roads, for our running. In fact, riding classics and running trails have a lot in common; they’re both full of adventure, require focus and connection and offer an altogether more inspiring experience.
A Final Word... Vespa PX: 'Last of the Classics'
Of course, today it is possible to have the best of both worlds. Classic Vespas are as popular as ever. And part of their beauty lies in their mechanical simplicity, making them perfectly receptable to performance and safety upgrades.
International stockists of the highest quality, modern performance parts, such as S.I.P in Germany, mean you can vastly improve the rideability, performance and safety of classic Vespas and ensure they stay on the road for decades to come.
In Hong Kong we’re lucky to also have a good stock of Italian imported Vespa PX 200’s. The last of the manual Vespa range and a model no longer in production, they are rapidly approaching “classic” status and once customised, provide a perfect balance of modern performance and classic ride. Our Vespa customs are setting new standards in performance & style. See our website for details!