Big Wave Bay (Dragon's Back)

  • Author: arrowsn
  • Created: January 12, 2022 3:33 am
  • Updated: February 14, 2022 3:15 am

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  • Distance Instructions
  • Distance 15 km
  • Time 3 h 41 min
  • Speed 4.0 km/h
  • Min altitude 0 m
  • Peak 284 m
  • Climb 357 m
  • Descent 360 m
Date: 28th Mar 2021


Our original R&R route is a classic (at least we think so); both ride and run. Anyone with wheels is familiar with HK island’s top driving route along the south of the Island, via Tai Tam reservoir and down to Big Wave Bay and Shek O. From early morning, the braaap of motor engines reverberates off the steep cliffs that line these gorgeous, winding coastal roads. The run comprises a 14km loop from Big Wave Bay, includes a couple of short steep ascents, plenty of flat, fast-running, forested mud trails and glorious Shek O vistas from atop the legendary Dragon’s Back 🐉 No surprise we keep heading back to this, our first and original, R+R  route.


The best stretch of windy coastal road on the Island, with 15km's of fun and flames from Shouson Hill, passing through numerous bays and beaches, past Stanley and across single-lane Tai Tam Reservoir for stunning views to beyond. The best is saved for last with Shek O Road, halfway up the hillside, weaving and curving its way around the country park, with a final slingshot down to sea level and Shek O beach. With good reason, a favourite track of HK’s assorted petrolheads.


As luxurious as it gets for a R+R base with plenty of facilities for post-run recreation including showers, perfect after a cooling, post-run dip in the sea. Plenty of restaurant options available, as well as nearby Shek O. Parking available for bike and car; given the popularity of the location its advisable to get there early for a spot.


A gentle trot from the car park down to the beach, passing the surf shops and cafes. Run straight across the beach until you reach the steps stretching up around the right side of the hill; first climb of the day to get the heart pumping. Halfway up, take a look back for breath-taking (if you still have some to take) views of the coastline, back towards Shek O village.

Reaching flat ground we head left and join the HK Trail in reverse. A brief spell (thankfully) on windy tarmac roads before hitting prime, fast running track; hard-baked clay trails sheltered in young forest that twist gently around the hill side. At the fork we head straight on and around the Tai Tam side of the Dragon's Back for more open trails. We're exposed to the sun and sea breeze here and enjoy sweeping views back across the water to Tai Tam Bay and Stanley.

At the second fork we take a left up and onto the spine of the Dragon. Stunning coastal views down to Shek O open up as we clamber up and over the Dragon's Back, stopping at the summit of Shek O Peak for a quick breather and to take in the vista. One more peak awaits along the trail (popular with paragliders) before we drop down and away from the ridge to re-join the HK Trail (this time in the right direction) and follow our footsteps back towards home, back into the Bay.


Shek O Village, meaning “Rocky Bay”, dates back more than 200 years to its fishing port origins and renowned lobster. Its beaches and water quality are amongst the best on the island and Big Wave Bay – you guessed it – is popular with surfers. It’s also the perfect spot for a post run dip. As far as our R+R route goes, bragging rights of the Dragon’s Back include a place in CNN’s top 23 hiking trail in the WORLD, in 2019. ‘Nuff said really🔥

Date: 28th Mar 2021


Our original R&R route is a classic (at least we think so); both ride and run. Anyone with wheels is familiar with HK island’s top driving route along the south of the Island, via Tai Tam reservoir and down to Big Wave Bay and Shek O. From early morning, the braaap of motor engines reverberates off the steep cliffs that line these gorgeous, winding coastal roads. The run comprises a 14km loop from Big Wave Bay, includes a couple of short steep ascents, plenty of flat, fast-running, forested mud trails and glorious Shek O vistas from atop the legendary Dragon’s Back 🐉 No surprise we keep heading back to this, our first and original, R+R  route.


The best stretch of windy coastal road on the Island, with 15km’s of fun and flames from Shouson Hill, passing through numerous bays and beaches, past Stanley and across single-lane Tai Tam Reservoir for stunning views to beyond. The best is saved for last with Shek O Road, halfway up the hillside, weaving and curving its way around the country park, with a final slingshot down to sea level and Shek O beach. With good reason, a favourite track of HK’s assorted petrolheads.


As luxurious as it gets for a R+R base with plenty of facilities for post-run recreation including showers, perfect after a cooling, post-run dip in the sea. Plenty of restaurant options available, as well as nearby Shek O. Parking available for bike and car; given the popularity of the location its advisable to get there early for a spot.


A gentle trot from the car park down to the beach, passing the surf shops and cafes. Run straight across the beach until you reach the steps stretching up around the right side of the hill; first climb of the day to get the heart pumping. Halfway up, take a look back for breath-taking (if you still have some to take) views of the coastline, back towards Shek O village.

Reaching flat ground we head left and join the HK Trail in reverse. A brief spell (thankfully) on windy tarmac roads before hitting prime, fast running track; hard-baked clay trails sheltered in young forest that twist gently around the hill side. At the fork we head straight on and around the Tai Tam side of the Dragon’s Back for more open trails. We’re exposed to the sun and sea breeze here and enjoy sweeping views back across the water to Tai Tam Bay and Stanley.

At the second fork we take a left up and onto the spine of the Dragon. Stunning coastal views down to Shek O open up as we clamber up and over the Dragon’s Back, stopping at the summit of Shek O Peak for a quick breather and to take in the vista. One more peak awaits along the trail (popular with paragliders) before we drop down and away from the ridge to re-join the HK Trail (this time in the right direction) and follow our footsteps back towards home, back into the Bay.


Shek O Village, meaning “Rocky Bay”, dates back more than 200 years to its fishing port origins and renowned lobster. Its beaches and water quality are amongst the best on the island and Big Wave Bay – you guessed it – is popular with surfers. It’s also the perfect spot for a post run dip. As far as our R+R route goes, bragging rights of the Dragon’s Back include a place in CNN’s top 23 hiking trail in the WORLD, in 2019. ‘Nuff said really🔥

About the Ride Part II: Classic or Modern?

Big Wave Bay (Dragon’s Back) Author: arrowsn Created: January 12, 2022 3:33 am Updated: February 14, 2022 3:15 am Categories: Hong Kong Island KMLGPXEmbed Copy the following HTML iframe code…

About the Ride Part I: Vespa

Big Wave Bay (Dragon’s Back) Author: arrowsn Created: January 12, 2022 3:33 am Updated: February 14, 2022 3:15 am Categories: Hong Kong Island KMLGPXEmbed Copy the following HTML iframe code…

Top 5 ‘Training’ R+R Routes on Hong Kong Island

Big Wave Bay (Dragon’s Back) Author: arrowsn Created: January 12, 2022 3:33 am Updated: February 14, 2022 3:15 am Categories: Hong Kong Island KMLGPXEmbed Copy the following HTML iframe code…

R+R Training: not all play, play, play

Big Wave Bay (Dragon’s Back) Author: arrowsn Created: January 12, 2022 3:33 am Updated: February 14, 2022 3:15 am Categories: Hong Kong Island KMLGPXEmbed Copy the following HTML iframe code…

(Some) Method to our Madness

Big Wave Bay (Dragon’s Back) Author: arrowsn Created: January 12, 2022 3:33 am Updated: February 14, 2022 3:15 am Categories: Hong Kong Island KMLGPXEmbed Copy the following HTML iframe code…

Top 6 ‘Full Beans’ R+R Routes on Hong Kong Island

Big Wave Bay (Dragon’s Back) Author: arrowsn Created: January 12, 2022 3:33 am Updated: February 14, 2022 3:15 am Categories: Hong Kong Island KMLGPXEmbed Copy the following HTML iframe code…

Ride or Run?

Big Wave Bay (Dragon’s Back) Author: arrowsn Created: January 12, 2022 3:33 am Updated: February 14, 2022 3:15 am Categories: Hong Kong Island KMLGPXEmbed Copy the following HTML iframe code…